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On behalf of the International Society for Systems Biology (ISSB), the 23rd edition of the International Conference on Systems Biology (ICSB 2024) will be held in Indian Institute of  Technology Bombay (IIT Bombay), Mumbai, India.


ICSB 2024 will provide a platform for dissemination of frontier research in Systems Biology  by outstanding researchers from around the world. This will enable bringing together the  systems biology community from different countries and facilitate interaction, sharing ideas and incubating collaboration with the best practitioners of systems biology.

Conference main topics​
  1. Cellular Signalling Pathways

  2. Cellular Decision-making

  3. Developmental Systems Biology

  4. Theoretical and Computational Systems Biology

  5. Synthetic Biology

  6. Variability and Noise in Biological Systems

  7. Neurosciences and Neural Circuits

  8. Cancer Systems Biology

  9. Big Data Handling, AI & ML-driven Systems Biology

Important dates â€‹

Early Abstract submission deadline  - August 21, 2024, 11:59 PM(IST)

Announcement of 1st round of decision(*) on abstracts submitted by early deadline (August 21) - August 28, 2024 11:59PM(IST)

Extended Abstract submission deadline - September 2, 2024, 11:59 PM(IST)

Announcement of next round of decision(*) on abstract (submitted by the extended deadline) - September 7, 2024 11:59PM(IST) 

Early bird registration closes on - September 10, 2024, 11:59 PM(IST)

Extended registration closes on - September 17, 2024, 11:59 PM(IST)​

(*) Platform talk / Poster with Flash-talk / Only Poster


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